Saturday, October 13, 2012

Utah Guard Land Component Command Gets New Commander

By Lt. Col. Hank McIntire

Click here to see more photos of the change-of-command ceremony. 

And click here for sounds of the ceremony.

CAMP WILLIAMS, Utah —The Utah National Guard conducted a change of command for its Land Component Command Oct. 13.

At the ceremony Brig. Gen. Michael R. Liechty formally transferred command by passing the unit's colors to Maj. Gen. Jeff Burton, adjutant general of the Utah Guard...

...who then handed the flag to Col. Val L. Peterson, who assumes oversight of the six Utah Army National Guard major commands to include Engineers, Special Forces, Aviation, Artillery, Military Intelligence and Troop Command units.

A change-of-responsibility ceremony for the senior enlisted leader for Land Component Command also took place in conjunction with the change of command. At that ceremony, Command Sgt. Maj. Stephan Vogl transferred responsibility to Command Sgt. Maj. Richard Brown.

"There was never a question about what Mike Liechty was in this for; it was always for the Soldier," said Burton, adjutant general of the Utah Guard.

"We welcome you to the roller-coaster," Burton told Peterson. "You are going to be busy. You know what you're getting into and you just keep doing it."

Liechty, of Providence, had served as commander of Land Component Command since 2008. He is retiring from the Utah National Guard after 42 years of service, but will continue his full-time civilian employment with Cache County School District in North Logan, where he is deputy superintendent.

"I grew up artillery, but once I came into this position I got to know good Soldiers in all units," said Liechty in his remarks. "I have all the faith in confidence in Col. Peterson in what he will do to move this forward."

An Orem resident, Peterson is full-time vice president for finance and administration at Utah Valley University. He is also a member of the Utah State House of Representatives, District 59. In his 28-year military career he has served as a company commander, battalion commander and brigade commander.

"I appreciate your faith and confidence in me," remarked Peterson. "[General Liechty] was a very thoughtful leader. He is leaving big shoes for me to fill."

"A position like this really is about the Soldiers," continued Peterson, "and I look forward to working with the command team in moving the National Guard forward."

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