Monday, November 19, 2012

Payson Soldier Reenlists While in Afghanistan

By 1st Lt. Stephanie Sefren, 4-1 Brigade Special Troop Battalion

See more photos here.

PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan -- A member of the 624th Engineer Company, Sgt. Travis Thomas, recently reenlisted in the Utah National Guard while deployed to Paktika Provice, Afghanistan.

Thomas was sworn in by Lt. Col. Ollar, commander of the 4-1 Brigade Special Troops Battalion, taking the oath inside of a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter Nov. 19.

Lieutenant Col. Ollar, left, commander of the 4-1 Brigade Special Troops Battalion, administers
 the oath of reenlistment Nov. 19 to Sgt. Travis Thomas, of Payson, right, a member of the
624th Engineers, Utah Army National Guard, currently deployed in Afghanistan. 
 Reenlisting for six years, Thomas is a 21E, heavy-equipment operator. He is currently in the 624th Vertical Construction Company and works in Paktika Province with the 2-203rd Afghan National Army Engineer Coy as the Embedded Training Team noncommissioned officer in charge.

His unit has completed numerous construction projects in Afghanistan including road repairs, the commissioning of a new Brigade operations center and multiple force-protection measures.

Thomas also leads training for the Coy and has established a maintenance program and coordinated for eight specialized classes featuring subject-matter experts throughout the area of operations in order to prepare Aghani soldiers to take the lead as engineersonce Coalition forces depart.

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