Monday, December 17, 2012

Lieutenant Colonel Adam Robinson Promoted to Colonel

By Lt. Col. Hank McIntire

Click here for photos and here for the audio of the ceremony.

DRAPER, Utah — Lieutenant Col. Adam L. Robinson, Utah Army National Guard, was promoted to colonel Dec. 17 at a ceremony at the Utah Guard’s Draper headquarters.

Robinson, of Heber, grew up in Richfield, Utah. He currently serves as full-time Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel, for the Utah Army National Guard.

Prior to the pinning ceremony, Maj. Gen. Jeff Burton, adjutant general of the Utah National Guard, congratulated Robinson on this signal accomplishment and gave him his marching orders.

“Adam is a guy who cares for people, and this is what this business is all about,” Burton said to those assembled. “When we promote people, it’s not for what they’ve done; it’s for what they are going to do—so eat your Wheaties, Adam.”

Dressed in his blue Army Service Uniform, Robinson asked his wife Danette to do the honors in changing his oak-leafed, lieutenant colonel epaulets to ones one with an eagle with outstretched wings, the insignia for colonel.

Colonel Adam Robinson (left) receives his new rank insignia from his wife Danette
at his promotion ceremony Dec. 17. U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. Hank McIntire.
In remarks following his pinning, Robinson thanked his children and extended family and paid special tribute to his wife.

“I have a bumper sticker on my car that says ‘The toughest position in the Army is the Army wife,’” he said.

Robinson also acknowledged his mentors and peers, saving his greatest professional thanks for the noncommissioned officers, first sergeants and sergeants major he served with in his career.

“I am proud to wear this uniform,” said Robinson as he concluded. “With rank comes great responsibility. I am humbled and want you to know that I will give it my all.”

Colonel Adam Robinson gives remarks at his promotion ceremony Dec. 17.
U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. Hank McIntire.
Enlisting in Richfield-based Alpha Battery, 2-222nd Field Artillery, in 1985, Robinson achieved the rank of staff sergeant before receiving his commission through Officer Candidate School in 1995. During his career he has served in a number of leadership positions to include fire-direction officer, platoon leader, intelligence officer, operations officer, executive officer, battery commander and battalion commander.

Robinson deployed to Afghanistan in 2006-2007 with I Corps Artillery (Forward) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was also mobilized in 2002-2003 in support of Operation Noble Eagle, providing security for Deseret Chemical Depot in Tooele.

His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Afghanistan Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal and Combat Action Badge.

He holds a Master’s of Business Administration from Webster University. With his wife Danette they have five children and five grandchildren.

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